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November 29, 2023
2 min read

UnParalleled Internship - Chart Your Design Odyssey - Where Fresh Perspectives Take Flight!

Ready to dive into the world of Product Design but unsure where to begin? Let's kickstart your creative journey together

UnParalleled Internship - Chart Your Design Odyssey - Where Fresh Perspectives Take Flight!

Parallel is a Bangalore based design studio, and our creative vibes spread across Mumbai and Delhi too. We've made waves with our work on Bharat apps like DigiLocker and CoWin's vaccine management portal. We've even fueled the dreams of startups like Gullak and Savage. At Parallel, we're all about solving exciting problems and building products that matter. Join us for an internship as dynamic as the tech we love. Let's make waves together! 

What is UnParalleled?

Unparalleled is a 4-month internship program tailor-made for aspiring designers taking their first plunge into the world of Product Design. No matter the background, education, or previous work experience an applicant has, this internship equips the interns with the essentials to kickstart their career in the world of product design, offering structured learning, expert mentoring, and hands-on experience with real-time projects. 

With this program, we've earned our stripes over the years, attracting applications from fresh faces, seasoned professionals, and those eyeing a career shift into Product Design. While we welcome all, Unparalleled selects only those showcasing innate talent and passion for Product Design. 

Let’s not forget that interns who do well have an option to convert to a full-time role right after. We do want to retain the best of the people at Parallel, and give them a steep growth path! In fact, our interns usually do not wait 4 months to convert to a full-time role. The fastest someone has converted their internship to a full-time role is 1 week! We're on the lookout for trailblazers and record-breakers!

No hierarchy when it comes to learning

How do we aim to groom the UnParalleled Interns?

We have created a structured approach to help interns groom their talent. First, during their hiring process, we recognise what they are naturally good at, and what they need to improve. Then, we do the following:

#1 We create a learning plan

We create a custom learning plan for each intern on basis of what they need to learn i.e. if someone wants to learn UI or UX more, we will help them with some structured learning courses. We have also created internal resources on how to use Figma for production-ready designs, how to apply principles of UI based on various projects, how to improve UX, conduct UX audit, and a lot more around topics like Jobs-to-be-done, what are Design Sprints & how to use its principles in designing better products, and cultivating a Product Thinking mindset.

#2 We assign a mentor‍

A mentor helps in multiple ways. A mentor helps the intern to prioritise what they need to work on first, how to go about honing particular skills, and is there to answer any question that the interns might have.

#3 We do UI bootcamps

Most interns we find, have a flawed approach to producing good UI, not going beyond Dribbble shots. Therefore, we do UI bootcamps to help them practice UI skills for designing on the web, mobile, and improving their process of UI creation.

#4 Product designers from week 1

We make you work as a Product Designer from Week 1 itself. You are assigned one live project from the first week itself so that you understand how design communication works, how to break down client requirements, and get the discipline of working on a client's work responsibly.

#5 Live working session

Our Senior Designers work with you on joint design sessions to help you pick up the right skills fast!

Within a month of this training and grooming process, you are not just a more confident Product Designer, but a professional ready to solve real-world problems.

Is UnParalleled Internship truly unparalleled?

The UnParalleled Internship is all about blending formal training in UI and UX fundamentals with real hands-on experience, pushing fresh talent beyond their own limits. In the world of Product Design, a hot career path these days, there's a gap in curriculums that teach the tricks of the trade and give young talent ample exposure.

Forget just Design Thinking and old-school processes – modern product design is about speed, collaboration, and user validation. At Parallel, we're on a mission to mold the next generation of Design Leaders in the country. We do it by immersing them in the job, teaching techniques like the Design Sprint, Jobs-to-be-done framework, Problem Framing, and more. It's all about mastering Rapid Prototyping, Divergent Thinking, and User Testing. Unparalleled is not just an internship; it's a launchpad for your design journey.

Session with a mentor

See what our current & previous interns have to say!

"My journey to Parallel is an interesting one. I worked 3 years in a totally different field and the idea of starting all over again felt very intimidating. I joined as an intern hoping to learn what it took to design great products. What I got was so much more!I was started off on real projects where my thoughts and opinions mattered. I was working with people who genuinely wanted to see me succeed. When they say “progress over perfection”, they really mean it! You could walk up to anyone and ask for help without hesitation and that’s what I’ve loved most about being here. I can honestly say that I’ve learned something new every day. I can’t imagine a better start to my product design career :))" - Aparna Balasubramanian, Associate Product Designer (Intern of 2023)

Shared growth and collective learning

"Joining Parallel has been a game-changer for me.I was thrown into a live project right at the start of my internship. While it was daunting, being trusted more than I trusted myself felt nice. Even as an intern, I was given ample autonomy and freedom to drive the project my way. Along with ample autonomy, comes a lot of support from both peers and seniors. Now that I am a full-time designer here, I can very easily say that the team fast-tracked my learning by years. It's like you're asked to swim in deep waters, but you're never left alone and before you realise it, you start enjoying yourself!" - Pavan M Gowda, Associate Product Designer (Intern of 2023)

Teamwork in action

"I studied Engineering for 4 years and I constantly felt like a misfit, to say the least. Stumbling upon the internship at Parallel, felt like a breath of fresh air. I finally felt like there was something out there that I had the potential to be good at.Fast forward five months, and I'm knee-deep in the world of design, realizing that my dreams were just the tip of the iceberg. Parallel has given me the opportunity to work with the most creative minds on challenging projects that pushed me way out of my comfort zone since day one!  The best part? I had mentors who patiently guided me to strengthen the most basic skills without judgment or intimidation.Everyone I have worked with so far is immensely good at what they do and my only aim is to imbibe what this company and its people have to offer so I can one day call myself a master of my craft :))" - Shrija Prasad, Associate Product Designer (Intern of 2023)

Cherishing moments with the crew, both on and off-duty :)

Be a part of our journey while creating a path for yourselves! Apply here to join our UnParalleled Internship!

UnParalleled Internship - Chart Your Design Odyssey - Where Fresh Perspectives Take Flight!
Gargi Jain
HR parallel

Gargi is a dynamic HR Leader with a proven track record of spearheading impactful initiatives across talent acquisition, employee engagement, and performance and change management.